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Författare: Peter Thorin

Vad innebär GDPR för mig som rekryterar?

Today many of us know what GDPR is and that it went live on the 25th of May 2018. I know a lot of you thought that this is gonna be just like the Millenium problem and that is soon will go over. Then you are misstaking because this is not the case with GDPR, it will be here for a long time and more steps will follow.

Right now, the Datainspektionen in Sweden chases big dragons but that they will also pick up smaller players to statute examples feels highly probable.

A personal information is information about a person that one can directly or indirectly connect to a person. It can be anything from name, email, address, IP address, cookies and mobile numbers to other less obvious tasks. No personal data may be processed without a legal basis, such as consent or entering into an agreement as in the case of employment. If you fail to deal with a person’s data, the fine may end at € 20M or 4% of your group’s global turnover.

But I am recruting right now, what should I do?

When recruiting, it is important that you handle the candidate’s personal information safely and that you can justify why you use them as you do. For example, for internal distribution via email to make decisions about an employment. Using e-mail to converse internally is usually the easiest way to make mistakes, namely by sending personal information between them and at the same time for example commenting on the person. All this information is highly personal information and should be handled like that, which means that all email conversations must be removed safely when the candidate’s management is over. This is of course not quite simple and hence it is better to do this in a different way.

The use of a tool that handles the person’s tasks is the easiest way to ensure that you are not wrong. One should not send around information, but instead use the candidate’s profile directly in the recruitment tool. At the same time you can check that only those people who actually need access have it. The tool can also take care of the candidates being informed about how their personal data are processed and that they have given their consent to it by applying for the service.

The new and safe way to recruite

With the help of modern, digital tools, it doesn’t have to be so difficult to comply with the new rules at all. Pitchler is just such a tool that helps you safely manage your recruitment in agreement with the new GDPR legislation. With the help of Pitchler’s cloud-based solution, you can collect all your applicants’ personal information in one place and check who has access to the data. Pitchler can also help you increase the accuracy of your recruitment. The candidates seeking your services through Pitchler’s mobile application are asked to record a video pitch by themselves and make a personality test that gives you the opportunity to see if they fit into the team. All this in addition to the traditional CV and personal letter.

Do not forget to be careful with your applicants’ personal data and great luck with your recruitment!

Websummit 2018

Leaving a fantastic venue in Lisbon after Websummit 2018 with a smile on my face and loaded with energy. Exciting companies with brilliant ideas and some not. New friends, old friends and feature friends to be.

Event at Madame Petisca that we hosted together with Swedish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (CLS) at the moment to be with about 125 guest attended during the night before we got kicked out.

We have some meetings to organize and build the future. Next year, let us do the same event, same place but this time we need more Gin….

If I missed to connect with you on the event or lost contact, please ping me for contact! It was a little hectic night. Fun for us, out home town, Växjö, was heavily represented in Web Summit this year, 20 people at least! Växjö kommun Anna Sjödahl (next time your must join us).




Vad innebär GDPR för mig som rekryterar?

Idag vet de flesta vad GDPR innebär och att det gick live 25e maj 2018. Många tänkte nog att det var som millennieskiftet; ”det går snart över”. Men så är inte fallet med GDPR eftersom det kommer vara bestående och påverka mycket av det vi håller på med. Just nu jagar Datainspektionen stora drakar men att de även kommer plocka upp mindre spelare för att statuera exempel känns högst troligt.

En personuppgift är information om en person som man direkt eller indirekt kan koppla till en person. Det kan vara allt ifrån namn, e-post, adress, IP-adress, cookies och mobilnummer till andra mindre uppenbara uppgifter. Inga personuppgifter får behandlas utan en laglig grund, såsom samtycke eller att man ingått ett avtal som vid anställning. Brister ni i er behandling av en persons uppgifter kan böterna sluta på €20M eller 4 procent av er koncerns globala omsättning.

Jag som rekryterar, hur ska jag göra?

Vid en rekrytering är det viktigt att ni hanterar kandidatens personliga uppgifter på ett säkert sätt och att ni kan motivera varför ni använder dem som ni gör. Till exempel vid intern distribution via epost för att fatta beslut kring en anställning. Att använda e-post för att konversera internt är oftast det enklaste sättet att göra fel, nämligen genom att sända personuppgifter mellan sig och samtidigt till exempel kommentera personen. All denna information är i högsta grad personliga uppgifter och ska hanteras som det, vilket innebär att alla epostkonversationer måste tas bort på ett säkert sätt när hanteringen av kandidaten är slut. Detta är såklart inte helt enkelt och därav är det bättre att göra detta på ett annat sätt.

Att använda er av ett verktyg som hanterar personens uppgifter är det enklaste sättet att säkerställa att ni inte gör fel. Man bör inte skicka runt information, utan istället använda kandidatens profil direkt i rekryteringsverktyget. Där kan ni samtidigt kontrollera att endast de personer som faktiskt behöver ha tillgång har det. Verktyget kan också sköta så att kandidaterna är informerade om hur deras personuppgifter behandlas och att de har givit sitt samtycke till det genom att söka tjänsten.

Det nya sättet att rekrytera

Med hjälp av moderna, digitala verktyg behöver det inte alls vara så svårt att efterleva de nya reglerna. Pitchler är just ett sådant verktyg som hjälper dig att hantera din rekrytering på ett säkert sätt i enighet med den nya GDPR-lagstiftningen. Med hjälp av Pitchlers molnbaserade lösning kan du samla alla dina sökandes personuppgifter på ett och samma ställe och kontrollera vem som har tillgång till uppgifterna. Pitchler kan dessutom hjälpa dig att öka träffsäkerheten i din rekrytering. Kandidaterna som söker era tjänster via Pitchlers mobilapplikation ombeds att spela in en videopitch av sig själva och göra ett personlighetstest som ger er möjlighet att se om de passar in i teamet. Allt detta utöver det traditionella Cv:t och personliga brevet.

Glöm inte att vara varsam med dina sökandes personuppgifter och stort lycka till med din rekrytering!


Peter Thorin

+46 735 00 55 11

Websummit 2018

Vår tillställning i Lissabon under Websummit 2018 gav ett stort leende på både våra egna och alla gästers ansikte. Många nya, gamla och blivande vänner var på plats för att njuta av utsikten från takbaren Madame Petisca vid Miradoro di Santa Catharina. En vy och solnedgång som inte går av för hackorna med Jesusstatyn och bron i bakgrunden.

Vi hade eventet ihop med Swedish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (CLS)  och vi hade runt 150 gäster innan vi stängde och blev utkastade efter midnatt.

Vi har redan blivit påtalade att vi ska hålla samma fest nästa år och det ser vi nog alla redan fram emot.

Tack alla som kom!



Peter Thorin

+46 735 00 55 11

Lean Startup, more than just paying customers

Last week I was at a coaching session with a customer who said, “Kristian, I know what Lean Startup is, I know the process and have read quite a bit about it. But I am doing an internal process improvement, how should I go about it then? In this scenario there are no customers I can interview in order to validate my idea.” It hit me then that there are many who view Lean Startup that way, in other words only internalising the lightweight version. Send out an early version of your product or service out on to the market and see if people are willing to pay for it. Due to this I find it necessary to cover the fundamental questions one should answer before a project starts when using Lean Startup.

Whether there is an external paying customer, or an internal process to be improved there will always be a customer. Either it is an internal customer or the users themselves are the customer. Would they consider changing to this new way of working? There are however, misconceptions here. The purpose for Lean Startup is to reduce the risk in large projects, that is why you incorporate the method. It is not specifically a customer centric approach but tends to address those uncertainties as that is often a source lacking clarity.

Before we look at how we can minimise risk in a project I would like to ask a fundamental question when using this method which also expands to other aspects of life.

“How do we know this?”

Too often our underlying biases lead us to make assumptions based on what makes us comfortable. By answering the question “How do we know this?” and backing up the answers with facts we can minimise risk rather than run projects with loose ends based on risk.

Let us apply this first question before starting the project. “Do enough people experience this problem?” If the answer is yes, then the follow-up question ought to be “How do we know this?”. If the answer is “Because I have this problem every morning”, then it is simply not enough. The only thing we know is that a person – you – have this problem. Time formulate the first hypothesis. “X people have this problem”, or “ X percent of those asked have this problem” from which we try to validate the hypothesis så that we may with good conscience answer “Yes this is the
problem” and on the question “How do we know that?” answer “because X% of those asked confirmed that this is a problem they are indeed having”.

The other question we should ask yourselves before starting a project is “How are people which have this problem go about solving it today?” If there is no good answer
for this then perhaps it is not as big of a problem after all? Big problems are addressed by users due to the upside that come from solving it.

The third and last question is “Is your solution a better alternative for those who are experiencing this problem?” On this question it becomes even more important to follow up with the, “How do we know this”. It is too easy to fall in love with your own solution causing you to assume your solution to be superior to whatever exists today.

When these three questions have been answered first, only then should you begin to consider what the buyer would be prepared to pay for the solution.

  1. Do enough people experience this problem?
  2. How are people solving the problem today?
  3. Is your solution superior for those who are experiencing this problem?